
September 29, 2011

Typing at fast as you think

In yesterday’s Talk Show with Gruber he brought up an interesting point that I never really thought about until now.  He said that he types as fast as he thinks and that is why he thinks he is a...


September 28, 2011


Going minimal. Deleted 5k Twitter followers. Now 200. Much more enjoyable experience. Deleted my entire inbox. And I keep deleting it as the hoards of SPAM come in. Feels good. One filter called...


September 23, 2011

Arment Rant

Great rant by Marko on his irritation of the misuse of his blog.


September 20, 2011

Willing to go 100%

Time to chime in on the Matthew Baxter-Reynolds Blog. Everyone and Gruber did. So here’s my bullet list: Yes, we all mostly write boring Software. But please don’t stop dreaming or trying....
