Willing to go 100%
kaplandj • September 20, 2011
Software BusinessTime to chime in on the Matthew Baxter-Reynolds Blog. Everyone and Gruber did. So here’s my bullet list:
- Yes, we all mostly write boring Software. But please don’t stop dreaming or trying.
- Objective C is a tough slog for us C# and Java programmers. I fall into that camp.
- Go get a Mac. You won’t be sorry. I have PC’s too.
- Microsoft to do something relevant? I’m not feeling it. Sorry.
- Whose got 14 months? Bullshit 14 months. “This thing will be over in TWO minutes. Get on it!”
- Christmas is my birthday. Thanks for mentioning it.
- Bubble? That Windows bubble lasted 20 years for me. Now I’m bored stiff and annoyed with them. If I can get this one to last the same amount, I’ll likely take it to the Grave. Amen.