
August 3, 2011

Hot Spot Rocks

  So I endured through a move recently and didn’t have Internet at my new place.  To solve the temporary problem I enabled the ATT Hot Spot(ing) on my iPhone4.  This really works great I must...


July 27, 2011

Coding Horror “Nobody is going to help you, and that’s Awesome

Coding Horror Atwood strikes again. He’s not into self help books. He says “write” your way out of it. Was that enough? Guess not.


July 26, 2011

New XT pic

Another XT pic from Steve Nickolas. Thanks.  


July 25, 2011

Chevy Volt

I had my first Chevy Volt sighting outside the Post Office. Nice vanity plate! I peeked inside and gave it the once over. I must say this looks to be a very well made car. The interior is cool too....
