
May 15, 2011

Android Accessory API

Seems like Android finally heeded my call on third party Accessory support with this new announcement at Google IO on a new Android Open Accessory ADK (Devel Kit). Host USB support. No nasty...


May 13, 2011

Tablet encounter of the 2nd and 3rd time

Apologies to all for my lack of writing. I suffered a freak injury to my hand and received 12 stitches. I’m out of work indefinately, but wanted to peck something out with my left hand to do...


May 5, 2011

Teach your children well – tech

My son made a funny comment about why I wasn’t tweeting much anymore which kind of rings true for me. He said in as many words that I was bored with Twitter and only was interested in the latest...


May 3, 2011

Jake Kaplan Guest Post

Today my first guest post. Jake Kaplan. Since for some reason, people seem to care about my thoughts of last night’s rally at Penn State – two NBC affiliates wanted phone interviews – and I...
