What I Shipped this year

kaplandj • December 31, 2010

Software Business

A good exercise from Seth Godin. Listing what you shipped this year. I’m not saying 2010 was a good year business wise for me. Actually it really sucked. So Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year for everyone out there. Friends and Foes.

I shipped:

  1. iPhone/iPhone Stencils.
  2. iPad Sketch Book (Apress)
  3. Droid Sketchbook (Apress)
  4. iPad Cutting Board (more on this soon….can’t sell it…)
  5. Developed iPhone Accessory Development Board (hardware only).
  6. Technical Reviewer of Ken Maskrey’s book on iPhone Accessory Development.
  7. MobileStencil.com Web site.
  8. Updated Kapsoft Website.
  9. Designed, Programmed, and Completed new RF Hardware Integration Tester system (large long fixed price over budget project) for client TruePosition. With much much help from M. Montgomery who rocks.
    1. Two updgrades to #7.
    2. Design for new tester for client based on #7.
    3. Dreamed up a few cool new ideas. (since I can’t stop dreaming!)
    4. Updated this Website based on new WordPress theme.
    5. Got my hip replaced. Dr Hozack thanks for that. Pretty amazing guy.
    6. I’m sure a missed a few things (like stayed out of jail), but good for now.
    7. [Update] Prototype for High End Sit and Stand Desk Desk that I still have hopes of marketing and selling. Philly Custom Block and Board built this and I designed it – and researched the best lift base, etc.