What I Shipped this year
kaplandj • December 31, 2010
Software BusinessA good exercise from Seth Godin. Listing what you shipped this year. I’m not saying 2010 was a good year business wise for me. Actually it really sucked. So Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year for everyone out there. Friends and Foes.
I shipped:
- iPhone/iPhone Stencils.
- iPad Sketch Book (Apress)
- Droid Sketchbook (Apress)
- iPad Cutting Board (more on this soon….can’t sell it…)
- Developed iPhone Accessory Development Board (hardware only).
- Technical Reviewer of Ken Maskrey’s book on iPhone Accessory Development.
- MobileStencil.com Web site.
- Updated Kapsoft Website.
- Designed, Programmed, and Completed new RF Hardware Integration Tester system (large long fixed price over budget project) for client TruePosition. With much much help from M. Montgomery who rocks.
- Two updgrades to #7.
- Design for new tester for client based on #7.
- Dreamed up a few cool new ideas. (since I can’t stop dreaming!)
- Updated this Website based on new WordPress theme.
- Got my hip replaced. Dr Hozack thanks for that. Pretty amazing guy.
- I’m sure a missed a few things (like stayed out of jail), but good for now.
- [Update] Prototype for High End Sit and Stand Desk Desk that I still have hopes of marketing and selling. Philly Custom Block and Board built this and I designed it – and researched the best lift base, etc.