New! Writers and Content Providers for ISDB.IO

kaplandj • June 7, 2017

Software Business

We are excited to announce we just added a Writer/Blogger/Content Provider Entity to ISDB.IO .

The first example of this is Jake Kaplan, The Houston Astros Beat Writer for the Chronicle..

Jake is of course the Houston Astros Beat Writer and happens to be the creator behind the concept of ISDB.IO.

If you go to the Jake link you will see the following:

  1. Jake’s vital info and a list of his recent articles on the Astros.
  2. Click one of the article links and you will be taken to the Media page for that piece.
  3. The Media page show all the Players (links) mentioned in that article and Teams (more links) mentioned.

We are currently looking for early adopters to become part of the ISDB.IO graph. Currently you will need an RSS feed to get started. Email me at kaplandjk at or on twitter @kapsoft.