Cliff Lee. Stop already!
kaplandj • December 16, 2010
Software BusinessOk. I was born and live in Philly. I love all our sports teams. The Phillies have really come a long way in a short time and they make us (fans) now feel like we are a big time city. We always were a great city, but circumstances of team management kind of put a damper on things for many years. Now the tide has changed. A great stadium and a great team. Wonderful last minutes surprises that make us smile from ear to ear.
So stop already. Comparing Cliff Lee to LeBron is ridiculous. Wasn’t LeBron drafted by Cleveland? Did LeBron get traded 3 times in 16 months? They both had the right to choose, but Lee made a decision that went for a quality of life beyond what Texas, Cleveland, New York, and Miami can offer. That my friend is the greatest city on earth and I’m proud to live hear as long as the almighty lets me.