My First FaceTime
kaplandj • July 14, 2010
Software BusinessI know I’ve had the iPhone 4 for a short long while now, but today I did my first FaceTime with someone. I have to say it is pretty cool. I didn’t think I would be that impressed, but they might be on to something here. It’s just fun. What made it funnier is that I did it with someone from the MIS department of one of my clients and it seemed the whole department got into the action. Besides a few inappropriate gestures and placement of the camera by to be unnamed individuals it was a unique new experience.
I answered the call and had forgotten to turn WIFI on. So once I did that it started fine. Otherwise you get an error message. The only hitch we had was that I could not see the callers camera flip. It just showed a frozen screen of his last front facing camera image. He could see my camera flip just fine.
So cool on you Apple. I’m interested to see how open this is and thinking of “product” as always.