iPhone Accessory Book
kaplandj • March 14, 2010
Software BusinessI had the pleasure of being the TR (Technical Reviewer) on a book about iPhone Accessory Design by Ken Maskrey. The book is called Building iPhone Accessories: Use the iPhone Accessories API to Control and Monitor Devices and is available for preorder. (I’m sure the brain trust at Apress will change the title – maybe.) When I was first asked about the book by Clay Andres of Apress I was a little skeptical. Apple has the “Made for iPod Works with IPhone” program pretty locked down with NDA’s. So I wasn’t sure what he could actually cover, but Ken was very skillful about dancing around those issues and certainly will keep the reader wanting to learn more.
I am a member of the program and still found plenty to learn as he covered many aspects from iPhone programming to embedded design and all the way to overall product development tips. So I’m recommending the book to all iPhone developers out there. It is well written and you for sure learn a ton.
Here a little something from Kapsoft hot off the press in this area. I can’t really say what it is just yet: