unboxing and international relations

kaplandj • August 28, 2009


The iPhone Sketch Book is a simple idea, but sometimes simple is the best way. “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein. I’ve had a good time creating it and then watching people use it as well.

Cyril Godefroy from Lille France was kind enough to make this unboxing video of his iPhone Sketch Books. I must personally thank him. I really enjoyed it. France is one of my favorite places on earth. The one place in Europe I’ve seen the most.

My first reaction while watching the unboxing was the condition of the box. It looked like it was in a war. Then the comment that it has visited New Zealand just blew my mind. Since the Amazon warehouse is in Kentucky it makes perfect sense to go to New Zealand first before ending up in France. Not. Shipping for our international friends could and should be quicker. It’s 2009! I could have walked it there faster.

But voila! the two books appeared no worse for the long journey once opened. I’ve always wanted to visit New Zealand myself. At least the Sketch Book made it there and back.

I’m really pleased that so many folks outside the US have purchased the notebook. And I really get a kick out of hearing back from them on the various “channels” available. Please don’t stop.

Thanks Cyril.