Results quick Poll. How do you start your iPhone User Interface Design? Sketch on paper? Computer?
kaplandj • July 10, 2009
iPhone DevelopmentHere are the informal results via quick tabulation of a poll on how people start their iPhone User Interface designs. I ask this question on iPhone Developers Group on LinkedIn and Twitter. Roughly 32 folks replied. Please note some people responded with multiple tools. Thanks for all the great response.
Paper:22 IB:10 Photoshop:6 Omnigraffle: 3 Balsamiq:3
White Board:2
Single mentions on iPlotz,, Keynote, Visio, OpenOffice Impress, IA WireFrame, and Flash.
Paper is your winner by a landslide. The Trees never stood a chance. Not surprising IB coming in second. I like Paper to start also. Stay tuned I might have something interesting to offer along those lines.